Hello! I am Ian Urban, a Champlain College Graduate Level/Game Designer with a minor in AI Programming. After graduation, I worked for Motion Logic Studios as a Level Designer. At Motion Logic Studios, I primarily designed and created grey-boxed levels using the UE4 Engine and Maya for an unannounced game.
Currently, I work as a Project System Specialist for Zenas BioPharma, where I have utilized my skills in numerous programs to help them visualize and organize their products.
Throughout my Game Design career, I have worked on various video game projects and have had the honor to work with eight excellent dev teams. While working on these teams, I assisted in producing a published game called Sunline.
Whether still in work in progress or complete, each project is a constant reminder of the dedication and passion it takes to go through a game's development cycle and craft a genuinely delightful player experience.
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Level & Project Highlights